What to Expect
Thorough History I believe that you are a ‘whole’ being, not just a diseased arm, leg, stomach. Therefore I take a full history of your current and past health, and also of emotional traumas. Every...
View ArticlePersonal Peace
What do you mean Personal Peace? That sounds impossible! To most of us, peace sounds like unrealistic and unattainable pie in the sky! How is it possible to have peace when there's so much war, crime,...
View ArticlePSYCH-K
What is PSYCH-K® ? PSYCH-K® is short for psychology kinesiology. This amazing technique was originated by Robin Williams in 1988 and has been used by thousands of people world-wide to change limiting...
View ArticleEFT
What is EFT and how does it work? Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of...
View ArticleQuantum-Touch
Quantum-Touch ® in South Africa! If you’ve been wondering whether Quantum Touch is available in South Africa, your search is over! I am a Certified Quantum Touch Practitioner in Rivonia, South Africa,...
View ArticleContact Liesel
Where to Find Us I work from a homeopaths' office in Rivonia, Johannesburg. Address and directions available on request. Phone sessions are possible if you are not able to travel to Rivonia., To...
View ArticleAbout Us
About Liesel After a four-year music degree, and about 10 years in the right-brained music profession, Liesel made an enormous leap of faith. She resigned her stable job, took a 4 month programming...
View ArticleThank you Gift from Liesel
Your Free Gifts: Thank You Thank you so much for your continued support. I'll never spam you, never ever give or sell your email address to anyone else and of course, you are at any time empowered to...
View ArticleThank you Gift
Your Free Report: Thank You Gift Thank you so much for subscribing to my newsletter. I'll never spam you, never ever give or sell your email address to anyone else and of course, you are at any time...
View ArticleWelcome
Welcome to Clearspace! Have you ever felt overwhelmed, with a very long and never-ending to-do list, exhausted, and resentful because you never have a moment for enjoyment? If you said "all the...
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